Thursday, October 14, 2010

LiveMotion font production: shadow word

In the last section has described how to use 3d tools, so that the text can stand up in the plane, this section will be further explored how to create more realistic 3d characters. Let us look at the finished results (Figure 1), (Figure 2). How, is not just more brightly than the out?

(Figure 1)

(Figure 2)

Figure 1 is livemotion the style (style) in selected, it is also the reason why I have set out is to further explain the convenience of style. Figure 2 is a writer based on the previous processing out. Do not look down upon those shadows, although the production of relatively simple, but if they are less so, realistic performance has some problems. Ok, let us go.

(Figure 3)

I believe we have been able to post the first chapter tutorial made easy preview it in Figure 3. Next to do is add a shadow. In fact, the production of the shadow is not a very difficult task, we need to do is to change the text of the original form (including color and location) only.

(Figure 4)

First, copy the text of the original look, and then paste the text in the original top, after the location of mobile, it becomes Figure 4 looks like. In the production of shadow, let us know again what a tool bar panel. (Figure 5)

(Figure 5)

But the people behind this tool, in the illustrator can play a big role in any vector color fill can not be separated from it Oh, it is - Opacity (transparency and gradient). Because we do not want to draw the things that we are a single color, but the transition between colors and color so that we can not keep it to adjust, so it ... ... (the writer here, but repeatedly emphasized the importance of this tool Oh), where, Object Opacity is to control the transparency of a single geometric unit, while Object Layer Opacity to control the level of transparency. (On the use of gradient will in future have specific examples, do not do much description here) set in accordance with Figure 5, the final results will appear in Figure 6.

(Figure 6)

Here also told of a mapping process very important principle, that is, the vertical position of the various components, specifically, is which one is above the pressure at which the above will cover live the following, and if adjustments After the alpha, there are unexpected results, do not know the hour marquis scenes look at the solar eclipse still remember the ... ...

(Figure 7)

As shown in Figure 7, after the selected components, there will be more options, as do the shadows in this section the word, their influence is not great, so what the big difference on nothing, while The creative process in the future will play a big role. In order to unify the author or the shadows over the bottom layer. The final output of goods shown in Figure 8.

(Figure 8)

This section is a continuation of 3d fonts, with emphasis on the production of shadow, of which there are two important technology, laying the foundation for the future creation, one is the use of the Opacity of the adjustment, the other is the introduction of the concept of vertical rows of cloth. Hope that after this section, readers can make their own individual character more realistic 3d effect to.

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Monday, October 11, 2010

Wave of mergers BI have a happy life

IBM, Oracle, SAP and other international software giant's acquisition of the BI vendors to the industry on BI is full of conjecture. Approached the BI vendors, especially in the domestic small and medium BI vendors, we are trying for the reader paint a map of their living conditions.

SAP, Oracle, IBM, HP and other international giants one after another to become the leading BI M & A news.

IBM, Oracle, SAP and other international software giants on the BI (business intelligence) vendor mergers and acquisitions for the BI industry is full of conjecture. Then the internal BI vendors, especially small and medium survival of the current state of BI vendors is like? Struggling in pain, or happiness to live? This survey, we approached these BI vendors trying to paint a reader of their current state diagram.

Start Profit

"From the second half of 2006, many BI companies one after another profitable." Chinese business intelligence portal chinabi editor of coke a chapter told reporters. chinabi BI enterprises have registered hundreds of large and small, focus has chapters often communicate with these companies. He found that some of the BI set up before 2012 are doing now fast, and millions of dollars in annual revenue of more than a lot of small companies.

Interviewed a number of BI companies have also said they now life's not bad.

Deng Xinping, general manager of Guangzhou Fei Naite told reporters: "Since 2006, our day is obviously better than the." Actually, Fei Naite in 2004 on the realization of the profit, once the middle of too much money because the project advances lead to funding constraints, was introduced as a strategic partner of South East Combination. October 24, southeast of intermediation will Feinai Te pack, successfully listed on the New York Stock Exchange, raising nearly 200 million U.S. dollars. Fei Naite suddenly become rich and powerful.

"Companies from 2000 to 2004 has been a loss to the flat in 2005, since 2006, growth performance has been beyond imagination." Guangzhou is still South Technology Co., Ltd. Business Manager Chen Wei unwilling to disclose the business order of magnitude. But he told reporters that the number of agent technology is still the South in 2004 has only 4 to 5, 24 in 2006, this year has reached more than 50.

Analysis of reasons for better days, there are chapters that focus first with the large market environment. According to him, from the second half of 2006, telecommunications, finance, and demand began to pick up on the BI, while a number of BI vendors is by the survival of these large industries. "BI vendors is the most difficult after 2005. At that time the telecommunications, finance, and interest on the BI sharply, many companies who could not go on, benefits like the Oriental group, established as such by the telecommunications companies to be eating away a. "Zhang Jiao has said.

Zhao Wei, vice president Southeast intermediation that Chinese companies will inevitably come to BI information construction phase, "the financial and telecommunications and information data after completion of a large concentration we need to help their play data meaning." First special account, Greater China CEO Dr. Zheng Zhengzhong also said that ERP has now gradually spread in China, collected the data necessary to find tools for analysis, which gives the BI market opportunities.

In addition, This time the market rebound also benefits from business users are increasingly accepted concept of BI. BI in government, finance, telecommunications, manufacturing, distribution and other industries of the first applications and also played an exemplary role. Plus two years before the winter out of a number of BI companies, companies that survived stiff upper lip, did not rebound in the market and its many rivals to snatch the market, which enjoy more fruits of victory.

"With the increase in successful cases, and Chinese enterprises to deepen understanding of the BI, I believe the next few years will be more rapid growth in this market." Cheng said center.

M positive

Frequent this year, the international software giant's acquisition of the BI vendors send a kind of market signals? The Chinese market and the impact of small BI vendors do?

"M & A at least tell you that after using the ERP, but also BI tools such information to help complete construction of the 'last mile'." Fixed Head of Beijing Aowei Chi Bin Zou said, "BI is promising, or else the software Costly acquisition giant will spend it how? "

Cheng center also believes that since the BO, such as an independent BI vendor Hyperion, after the acquisition, they will lose the openness of the customer more and more narrow scope, "that many manufacturers are using BO come to us, we have chance. "

Zhang Wei, director of technology marketing is still the South, told reporters that small companies are not generally very technical characteristics prior to the acquisition, once acquired, in general, large companies will slowly be to "melt" away, losing characteristics. He believes that leading companies were acquired in the market in order to win the BI technology enterprises are few, and this highlights the fact that the technical characteristics of the South yet, for many years yet to live up to the South of the BI almost paranoid R & D investment.

However, there are in the industry believe that, in the long run, the domestic M & A is committed to product research and development of the BI vendors are adverse to, "the giant BI products integrated into its products and going Hou 绾? competitiveness is not one or independent BI vendors to compete. " But in terms of enterprise users bad thing, because "do not bother BI from dozens of products and programs to compare and select the" there are chapters that focus.

"In fact, these acquisitions have little effect on the Chinese market because China's market is different from European and American market." Zhao Wei analysis, "BI vendors focus on domestic or domestic customers should be thoroughly studied, to provide them with the right products."

Well-Extension City

Optimism for the future estimates for all domestic BI vendors have begun to accelerate the pace of market development, Eight Immortals have done their best.

In the product already has the door to allow customers to take the initiative to find the strength to purchase based on the technology yet still lost patience South, began a large-scale search for agents, and even learning the practice of multinational companies, for the general software company OEM. South technology has currently set up in Beijing R & D and sales centers, "from 2008 onwards, we will be adding a huge marketing investment," said Chen Wei.

Products and projects as a proportion of 3:7 hybrid BI companies, so Deng Xinping proud of it Feinai Te powerful BI implementation capacity. Southeast Fusion and Fei Naite cooperation, both sides shared the background of resources, it has put cross-sell products and solutions to each other's customer base in. "The local users are familiar with and understanding of BI vendors is always the trump card in China. We will support Feinai Te bigger and stronger." Zhao Wei said.

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